PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of an altered inclination of the canine guidance on the pattern of the condylar movements during laterotrusion. MATERIALS AND METHODS The inclination of the canine guidance was steepened approximately 10 degrees by attaching a metal overlay to the lingual surface of the maxillary working-side canine. The laterotrusive movements of


lat·er·o·tru·sion. ( lat'ĕr-ō-trū'zhŭn ), The outward thrust given by the muscles of mastication to the rotating mandibular condyle during movement of the mandible. [latero- + L. trudo, pp. trusus, to thrust] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012.

Mar 6, 2019 Results: Three patients with severe skeletal Class II and III deformities and laterotrusion were evaluated with the proposed method. Laterotrusion. Bewegung des Unterkiefers zur Seite. von der Medienebene weg. Weitere Begriffe für den beruf Zahntechnik:. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "Laterotrusion" – Dictionnaire français-allemand et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. Mar 9, 2013 laterotrusion contacts are common between the _____ occlusal aspects of the upper guiding cusps against the functional outer aspects of  19 Ago 2019 Traducción en Español, Sinónimos, Definiciones y Ejemplos de Uso de Palabra en Inglés 'laterotrusion' Was bedeutet Laterotrusion?


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Use the sliders to set the movement length. The Parameters [3] available depend on the selected articulator type. Set the preset values according to the functional requirements. Mandibular jaw movement capacity in 10–17-yr-old children and adolescents : normative values and the influence of gender, age, and temporomandibular disorders The Movements [4] pane allows you to adjust the articulator movements of Protrusion, Retrusion, Laterotrusion left, Laterotrusion right.

Laterotrusion. (substantiv, femininum).

laterotrusion registration f Fig. 21 Setting the left Bennett angle using the right laterotrusion regis-tration e Fig. 18 Upper and lower jaw situation in the Artex CR with the customised incisal guidance unit Technology l All or nothing Fig. 18 Fig. 17 Fig. 19 Fig. 20 Fig. 21

Principen vid  but also movements of translation and laterotrusion. Furthermore, the structures that make it up are not rigid, precise and unchangeable; rather, the muscles,  Regelbunden registrering av maximal gapförmåga samt maximal laterotrusion och protrusion av underkäken. Planera i god tid för eventuella  Regelbunden mätning av maximal gapförmåga samt registrering av maximal laterotrusion och protrusion av underkäken. Minimera  I laterotrusion kan bettet slipas in så att flertänder delar på de horisontella krafterna (gruppfunktion)om bettet inte är alltför djupt.Vid en protetisk rehabilitering  is a complicated mechanism; not only does it allow pivoting, rotating, opening and closing movements, but also movements of translation and laterotrusion.

Many translated example sentences containing "laterotrusion" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.


Sensitivitet 0.89; Specificitet 0.98. Vilken eller vilka rörelser gör käklederna vid laterotrusion åt höger? Välj ett eller flera alternativ: Vilket eller vilka kriterier är förenliga med  Kan vara en bild av text där det står ”Left laterotrusion” · Instagram Photos · Kan vara en bild av text där det står ”Right laterotrusion” · Instagram Photos. Laterotrusion – sidorörelse.


Stepwise Advancement in a Removable Twin Block for the Treatment of Class II Div 1 Malocclusion with Laterotrusion-A Case Report Request PDF | The relation of mandibular laterotrusion with ipsilateral TMJ clicking | The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) clicking with stated by Rabie et al. in 2002. Laterotrusion and laterognathia need to be differentiated in the patient (if present) at the time of recording of postural rest position. Laterotrusion is manageable through functional appliances while laterognathia is not.
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Minimera  I laterotrusion kan bettet slipas in så att flertänder delar på de horisontella krafterna (gruppfunktion)om bettet inte är alltför djupt.Vid en protetisk rehabilitering  is a complicated mechanism; not only does it allow pivoting, rotating, opening and closing movements, but also movements of translation and laterotrusion. Subjects were examined clinically at each time period for; jaw mobility (maximum jaw opening including vertical overbite, maximum laterotrusion to the right and  20 Orofacial smärta och käkfunktion T5 Ocklusala aspekter på bettfunktion Artikulation Sidorörelser Tre begrepp • Laterotrusion (LTR) sidan som rör sig från  Vid klinisk undersökning mäts protrusion, laterotrusion samt maxgapning dessa värden jämförs med de ursprungliga, pat får också svara på frågor angående  av G Isacsson — FÖRKORTNINGAR OCH DEFINITIONER AV TERMER. CRF. Case Report Form. MIO. Maximal incisal opening. LTR. Laterotrusion.

Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. The aims of this study were, first, to report normative values for jaw movements in Caucasian children and adolescents (maximum opening, laterotrusion, and protrusion) and, second, to investigate the influence of age, gender, and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) on jaw movement capacity.
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Laterotrusion. • Enkelsidig translation. 2015-06-24. Karolinska Institutet | Nikolaos Christidis. 17. LTR. PTR. Gapningsrörelse. • Samtidigt som 

Konstruktioner involverande insiciver använder man sig utav Long centric. Protrusion –  x Sidorörelse- laterotrusion och mediotrusion x protrusion x retrusion.

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Swedish Translation for Laterotrusion - dict.cc English-Swedish Dictionary

Laterotrusion is the linear sideways shift of the working condyle to the laterotrusive side. Lateroretrusion is the spatial shift of the working condyle to the side and backward.

Laterotrusion to the contralateral side measured on average 6.4 mm preoperatively, 2.3 mm at 1 month, 3 mm at 3 months, 4 mm at 6 months, and at 1-1.5 years (62,5% of the preoperative laterotrusion/40% of a normal laterotrusion). Subjective normalization of mastication after 1 year was present in all patients.

Version to one side or the other, denoting especially a malposition of the uterus. [latero + L. verto, pp. versus, to turn] * * * lat·ero·ver·sion (lat″ər o vurґzhən) [latero + version] a turning to one side, as of the uterus In the Movements section [2], select the articulation movements by checking the checkboxes Protrusion, Retrusion, Laterotrusion left and Laterotrusion right. Use the sliders to set the movement length. The Parameters [3] available depend on the selected articulator type.

precurrent laterotrusion · iniciális oldalirányú rágómozgás [precurrent laterotrusion] · Kiejtés meghallgatása  Bilaterala knäppningar under gapning- och stängningsrörelser utan smärta. Bilaterala knäppningar vid laterotrusion och protrusion med smärta, smärtan känns  Vi har hittat följande tyska ord och översättningar för "laterotrusion": Engelska, Tyska. laterotrusion.